Every 11 minutes, a woman dies at the hands of a partner or relative somewhere in the world.

Каждые 11 минут в мире от рук партнера или родственника погибает женщина

Most women murdered worldwide were killed by their partner. Every 11 minutes, a woman is killed by a partner or relative Human Rights

Today, 33-year-old Ugandan Olympic athlete and Olympic marathon participant Rebecca Cheptegei died in a hospital in Kenya. A few days ago, her ex-boyfriend doused her with gasoline and set her on fire. Rebecca was hospitalized with burns covering 75 percent of her body.

This tragic incident was mentioned at a briefing in New York by UN Press Secretary Stephane Dujarric.

“We spend a lot of time in this room every day discussing global issues related to peace and security around the world, but today I want to pause for a moment to highlight the tragic death of one person, which illustrates a much larger problem that is too often ignored,” the UN envoy said.

“On average, every 11 minutes, somewhere in the world, a woman or girl is killed by an intimate partner or family member, according to figures released by our colleagues at UN Women and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. “We certainly believe the real figures are much higher,” he added.

Dujarric noted that during the New York briefing, which typically lasts about half an hour, an average of three women are killed in targeted gender-based killings.

“Today, we join the United Nations Population Fund and UN Women in strongly condemning the brutal murder [of Rebecca Cheptegei],” Dujarric said.

He said that gender-based violence is one of the most widespread human rights violations in the world. Dujarric recalled the words of the UN Secretary-General that we still live in a male-dominated culture where women are more vulnerable, and this prevents our society from becoming more peaceful, just and prosperous.

“Another world is possible,” Dujarric emphasized. 

Read also:

A quarter of girls aged 15 to 19 experience violence from their partners


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