Astana Declaration: Asia-Pacific Governments Unite to Close Digital Divide

Астанинская декларация: Азиатско-Тихоокеанские правительства объединяются для устранения цифрового неравенства

Astana Declaration Focuses on Need to Address Digital Divide Astana Declaration: Asia-Pacific Governments Unite to Address Digital Divide Economic Development

Ministers and heads of digital agencies from Asia-Pacific countries today endorsed the Astana Ministerial Declaration on Digital Inclusion and Transformation, concluding a high-level conference on these issues held in the capital of Kazakhstan. The meeting was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the Government of Kazakhstan.


This important Declaration focuses on the need to close the digital divide or inequality, strengthen digital connectivity, build trust in the digital environment and promote inclusive digital economies and societies.

“The Declaration is an important milestone that highlights the need to strengthen regional policies to accelerate the search for digital solutions and scale up efforts to bridge the digital divide,” said Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP.

Digital Divide

Despite the fact that 96 per cent of the population of Asia and the Pacific lives in areas with mobile broadband networks, only an estimated one third of the population actively uses internet services. About 40 percent of the region’s residents lack basic digital skills.

In adopting the Declaration, governments recognized the need to address the barriers that developing countries face in adopting and using new technologies and investing in related infrastructure.

They stressed the importance of ensuring secure and affordable connectivity and promoting digital literacy and education for all, including youth, older persons, women, persons with disabilities, and those living in remote rural areas.

“We are proud that our land hosts significant events aimed at digital inclusion and transformation. On the final day of the event, we had a unique opportunity to present Kazakhstan’s achievements in the field of digital government to the world community. “The adoption of this Declaration demonstrates our shared commitment to creating an inclusive digital future for all,” said Zhaslan Madiyev, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan.

Digital Solutions Centre and Other Initiatives

Ministers participating in the conference supported the proposal of the Government of Kazakhstan to establish a Digital Solutions Centre for Sustainable Development, which will help strengthen coordination and cooperation among multiple stakeholders in the digital transformation process and share best practices to advance the sustainable development agenda in the region.

Delegates also reviewed progress in implementing other regional digital cooperation initiatives, including the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Initiative.

On the sidelines of the ESCAP conference and the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen institutional cooperation in the area of ​​regional economic integration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Under the agreement, ESCAP and EDB will conduct joint research, provide capacity building support to policymakers and analysts in North and Central Asia, and develop databases and analytical tools for the countries of the region.


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