IAEA receives information about drone shot down at Kursk NPP

МАГАТЭ получило информацию о сбитом беспилотнике на Курской АЭС

IAEA Chief Rafael Mariano Grossi at the UN Security Council (archive). IAEA received information about the downed drone at the Kursk NPP Peace and Security

The Russian Federation reported to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Thursday that it had found fragments of a drone on the territory of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

According to the information provided, the remains of the drone were found approximately 100 meters from the nuclear storage facility for spent fuel at the plant. Russia informed the IAEA that the drone was neutralized in the early hours of 22 August.

In this regard, the Agency’s Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi confirmed his intention to personally assess the situation at the scene during his visit next week.

Grossi will also discuss the modalities for further activities that may be needed to assess the nuclear safety and security at the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant.

“Military activities in the immediate vicinity of a nuclear power plant pose a serious risk to nuclear safety. My visit to the KNPP next week will allow us to conduct a timely independent assessment of the situation,” the IAEA chief said.

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