Top Stories of the Day | Wednesday: UN Chief in Samoa, Gaza, Peacebuilding, Terrorism

Главные новости дня | среда: глава ООН в Самоа, Газа, миростроительство, терроризм

Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar addressed the Security Council. Top Stories of the Day | Wednesday: UN chief in Samoa, Gaza, peacebuilding, terrorism UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: UN Secretary General began a tour of the Pacific region, difficulties in providing aid to Gaza, the UN calls on Security Council members to support the “New Agenda for Peace”, the International Day of Remembrance and Respect for the Victims of Terrorism.

UN Secretary General in Oceania

The Secretary-General is on an official visit to Samoa, where he will meet with the island nation’s Prime Minister and local residents who have suffered from the effects of climate change and have been forced to flee their homes due to rising sea levels.  The UN chief is also scheduled to meet with staff from the UN office in Samoa and with representatives of the country’s civil society, including women and youth. He will continue his Pacific tour on Friday, with a stop in New Zealand.

The situation in Gaza

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said ongoing fighting and evacuation orders in Gaza were hampering relief missions. Representatives of the United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) have expressed concern that key facilities in the evacuated areas of Khan Yunis may be damaged or destroyed. These include a newly restored water pumping station, as well as a training center, which is used as a warehouse for storing humanitarian supplies.

New agenda day for peace

During the high-level debate in the Security Council, they discussed the “New Agenda for Peace”, which the head of the UN proposed to the world community in last year. Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar, speaking at the meeting, drew attention to the fact that investment in peacebuilding and conflict prevention is declining, while military spending is rising in many countries. They called on Security Council members to support the implementation of the “New Agenda for Peace.”

Victims of terrorism

August 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Remembrance and Respect for Victims of Terrorism. The UN chief called for tribute to all victims and survivors of the attacks, in particular those who chose to share their stories, as he said understanding personal trauma to educate others is an act of great courage. In turn, the UN Special Rapporteur on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Ben Saul, called on countries to take into account the needs of victims of terrorism, including children, women, older people, minorities and displaced persons.


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