IAEA: strike on Zaporizhzhya NPP cooling tower did not affect nuclear safety of the station

МАГАТЭ: удар по охладительной башне ЗАЭС не отразился на ядерной безопасности станции

IAEA chief visits Zaporizhzhya NPP. Archive photo IAEA: strike on Zaporizhzhya NPP cooling tower did not affect nuclear safety of the plant Peace and security

Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported on Sunday evening that they noticed “thick dark smoke” rising over the northwestern part of the Zaporizhzhya NPP and also heard several explosions. The IAEA team received information about a drone attack on one of the cooling towers of the plant. The agency’s Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said that the strike did not affect the nuclear safety of Zaporizhzhya NPP. 

To assess the extent and possible cause of the incident, the IAEA Mission supporting the Zaporozhye NPP requested immediate access to the cooling tower.

ZanPP has two cooling towers , located on the northern side of the cooling pond, outside the perimeter of the Zaporizhia NPP. The cooling towers are used when the plant is in operating mode, and the damage caused by them cannot directly affect the safety of its six units, which are currently in “cold shutdown” mode.

« However, any fire on the site or in its vicinity poses a risk of fire spreading to objects important to safety,” the IAEA said in a press release.

Plant staff confirmed that There is no risk of increased radiation levels as there is no radioactive material in the area of ​​the proposed attack. IAEA experts also independently verified the radiation levels and confirmed that they remained unchanged. five principles of object protection.

Read also:

IAEA Chapter: Nuclear Energy is Clean Energy, the Problem is War


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