Countries finalize new cybercrime convention

Страны завершают работу над новой конвенцией о киберпреступности

The draft convention on cybercrime will be adopted by the General Assembly later this year. Countries finalize work on new cybercrime convention International Law

After three years of work, a committee set up by the UN General Assembly to negotiate a new convention on cybercrime agreed on the text of the draft on Friday.

The draft convention is expected to be adopted by the General Assembly later this year and will become the first global legally binding instrument on cybercrime.

The achievement is the culmination of years of efforts by UN member states, with the participation of civil society, academia and the private sector. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) served as the main moderator of the negotiations.

As noted in the draft convention, technology contributes to the increase in the scale and speed of crime, be it terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, smuggling of migrants or illegal trafficking in firearms.

The draft convention presents tools that will strengthen international cooperation, law enforcement, build up the technical base and increase the capacity to combat cybercrime. 


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