UNDP Opens New Center to Support Elderly People in Dnipropetrovsk Region of Ukraine

ПРООН открыла новый центр для поддержки пожилых людей в Днепропетровской области Украины

The leisure and social support center in the village of Sinelnikovo helps the elderly adapt to a new place after the evacuation. UNDP Opens New Center to Support Elderly People in Dnipropetrovsk Region of Ukraine Humanitarian Aid

The center for leisure and social support in the village of Sinelnikovo, Dnepropetrovsk region, helps older people spend time with like-minded people and adapt to a new place after evacuation. It was opened thanks to a grant provided by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with financial support from the European Union.

These funds made it possible to renovate the premises, as well as purchase furniture and sewing equipment. Now the center hosts group sewing classes, in which both internally displaced persons and local residents participate.

The local charity foundation Dobrobud 2022 decided to create a space for the elderly. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when the organization was providing humanitarian aid to the displaced persons, the staff often encountered requests from the elderly who lacked opportunities for integration.

Now at the center they can attend classes conducted by a sewing technologist. The youngest participant is 50 years old, and the oldest is 88 years old. They can both hem their clothes and communicate with each other.

In addition, a psychologist regularly comes to the center, to whom you can come for a consultation. Currently, group meetings for families are in great demand, although individual sessions with a specialist are also held.

“This initiative is a role model, as it allows us to work together with civil society to implement important social projects that improve the life of the community, especially the new residents who have found safe haven here, fleeing the devastating effects of the war,” said UNDP Resident Representative in the country Jako Silje. He explained that through the small grants programme, UNDP aims to support local civil society organizations that can quickly support the Ukrainian population.

Read also:

Older People in Emergencies: UN Draws Attention to the Problem


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