ICC Prosecutor: Those Perpetrating Darfur Atrocities Will Be Held Internationally

Прокурор МУС: виновные в зверствах в Дарфуре будут привлечены к международной ответственности

Children in Darfur continue to suffer from violence. ICC prosecutor: those responsible for atrocities in Darfur will be held internationally accountable Peace and Security

Crimes are being committed en masse in Darfur and throughout Sudan, and those responsible are confident of impunity. This was stated by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, during a meeting of the Security Council, calling on the international community not to ignore what is happening in Darfur.

According to him, the situation has only worsened since the previous briefing in the Security Council six months ago. In particular, Khan expressed particular concern about violations against children, as well as widespread gender-based violence, including rape.

Read also:

Sudan: Escalation of fighting has led to catastrophic consequences for children

The ICC Prosecutor stressed that his primary objective is to remove the “illusory shield of impunity” believed by those involved in the fighting in El Geneina, El Fasher and across Sudan.

Consequences for Perpetrators

“I would like to send a clear message to those currently in Darfur, to the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Reaction Force, to those fighting alongside them, to those giving the orders, and to all those who believe that there will be no limit to their actions: my Office is working urgently and resolutely to ensure that you are held accountable for your crimes,” he said.

Khan noted that the ICC Prosecutor’s Office, based on the evidence it has gathered, is currently preparing to file paperwork to obtain arrest warrants.

Tragedy 20 Years Ago

According to the prosecutor, what is happening now echoes the tragedy that unfolded in Darfur in 2003. Recall that then, as a result of fighting and atrocities, about 300 thousand people died, millions were forced to flee their homes.

Khan told members of the Security Council that the ICC is continuing the trial of Ali Abd al-Rahman, a high-ranking member of the Janjaweed militia, accused of 31 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Darfur in 2003 and 2004. According to the prosecutor’s report, the final defense witness in the case is scheduled to testify in September, with final statements expected before the end of the year.

Not Allowing Impunity

“The world is currently facing multiple crises that have resulted in widespread accusations of international crimes, reinforcing the sense that respect for international law itself, even in rhetoric, is now under threat,” Khan said.

The international community’s lack of attention to what is happening in Darfur could lead to an escalation of crimes, he said.

“The sense of impunity felt by those involved in El Geneina or, more recently, El Fasher, is rooted in a deeply rooted belief that the world “is not observing what is happening,” the prosecutor added. “We must show them with our actions that this is not the case.”


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