UN Human Rights Chief: Regional Conflict in Middle East Must Not Be Allowed to Escalate

Главный правозащитник ООН: нельзя допустить эскалации регионального конфликта на Ближнем Востоке

Families forced to flee their homes in Gaza. UN rights chief: Regional conflict in Middle East must not escalate Peace and security

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk on Monday expressed deep concern over the growing risk of a wider spread of the conflict in the Middle East.

Türk called on all parties to the conflict, as well as states with influence in the region, to take urgent action to de-escalate the “extremely dangerous situation.”

“Human rights, especially the protection of civilians, must be the top priority,” he said.

The High Commissioner said civilians, mostly women and children, had faced “unbearable suffering” in the past 10 months as a result of fighting actions.

“We must do everything possible, and I mean everything, to prevent this situation from getting completely out of control, because that will bring even more terrible consequences for the civilian population,” he stressed.

Read also:

Special Coordinator for the Middle East calls for urgent measures to eliminate the risk of regional escalation


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