UN Delivers Aid to Frontline Areas of Ukraine

ООН доставила помощь в прифронтовые районы Украины

UN humanitarian aid unloading in Ukraine. UN delivered aid to frontline areas of Ukraine Humanitarian aid

UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown led a convoy of humanitarian aid to the frontline areas of Donetsk Oblast on Wednesday.

The trucks delivered almost ten tons of medicines and hygiene kits. This is the 24th convoy to deliver humanitarian supplies to Donetsk Oblast this year.

UN humanitarian workers remind us that the residents of these areas have been suffering from ongoing military actions for over ten years, which have led to large-scale destruction of residential buildings, as well as critical civilian infrastructure and services. Many residents have been left without electricity, running water or adequate health care, and are relying on humanitarian aid to survive.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), UN agencies reached 5.6 million Ukrainians with assistance in the first half of this year. The $3 billion humanitarian response plan for Ukraine is currently only 39 percent funded. A significant funding gap continues to hamper the humanitarian community’s ability to help all those in need in Ukraine ahead of the winter season.


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