Syria: threat of regional and internal escalation remains

Сирия: сохраняется угроза региональной и внутренней эскалации

Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen to the UN Security Council. Syria: threat of regional and internal escalation remains Peace and Security

Syria is still in a state of conflict, the country is divided. Armed groups, terrorist groups and foreign armies are involved in clashes along many sections of the resistance lines. The members of the Security Council were reminded of this by the Special Envoy for this country, Geir Pedersen.

“Civilians continue to be victims of violence and are subject to widespread human rights violations, protracted displacement and dire humanitarian conditions,” he said Monday at a Security Council meeting on the situation in Syria.

External and internal conflicts

Pedersen warned of the continuing threat of a regional conflict, especially in the face of increasing Israeli strikes on Syrian territory.

The risk of escalation is not decreasing, the Special Envoy added. He noted recent clashes involving government forces, the armed opposition and the terrorist-listed group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, as well as air strikes by pro-government, Russian and Turkish forces.

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At the same time, repressive practices, including arbitrary arrests, torture in custody and disappearances, continue in all areas of Syria, Pedersen recalled. He also expressed concern about the production, use and smuggling of drugs in Syria and the region.

Syrian refugees

Syrians are facing alarming events outside their country, the speaker said. According to him, tensions in host countries are growing: there are alarming reports of attacks on Syrian refugees.

“We continue to emphasize the importance of supporting Syrians who choose to return voluntarily. At the same time, we also call for an end to anti-refugee rhetoric and actions,” Pedersen said.

Political Process

He noted the need to resume the political process led by the Syrian population and with the assistance of the United Nations, which is described in Security Council Resolution 2254.  “Ultimately, the conflict is political in nature and can only be resolved when the Syrian parties can realize their legitimate aspirations and Syria’s sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity are respected and restored,” the Special Envoy said.

He noted that this month there were new statements from the governments of Syria and Turkey about the potential resumption of diplomatic contacts between them, as well as statements from the Russian and Iraqi governments supporting these efforts. Also, according to the speaker, discussions are ongoing on the next phase of the work of the Arab Contact Group. to speed up the political process in accordance with Security Council resolution 2254. “We continue to engage all partners who are committed to participating in the effort to solve problems,” he stressed.


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