Top news of the day | Monday: Gaza, Ukraine, HIV, forest fires

Главные новости дня | понедельник: Газа, Украина, ВИЧ, лесные пожары

Due to climate change, forests around the world are increasingly threatened by risks such as wildfires and pests. Top news of the day | Monday: Gaza, Ukraine, HIV, forest fires UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: shelling of a UN humanitarian convoy in Gaza, evacuation of children with cancer from the Okhmatdyt hospital to Germany, the increase in the number of HIV infections in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, increased risk of forest fires due to climate change.

Shelling of a UN humanitarian convoy in Gaza

A UN humanitarian convoy came under “heavy fire” from Israeli forces at a checkpoint en route to Gaza City. This was reported on Monday from the UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). “Israeli troops opened intense fire on UN vehicles heading to Gaza City. There were no casualties, but our staff had to duck and seek cover,” said UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini, calling for those responsible to be brought to justice. He said one of the cars was hit by “at least five bullets” at an Israeli checkpoint that separates the north and south of the enclave.

Children with cancer from “Okhmatdet” delivered to Germany

With the support of the World Health Organization, eight children being treated for cancer at the Kyiv Okhmatdyt hospital were evacuated to Germany along with their accompanying persons. Their grueling journey, which lasted more than 24 hours, began on July 17. The children were sent as part of a convoy of ambulance buses from Kyiv to Lviv. They then proceeded across the border to Poland, from where a Norwegian plane flew them to various cities in Germany to receive the necessary medical care. Let us recall that last week the largest children’s hospital in Ukraine received significant damage amid the ongoing war, several people died.

Increasing number of HIV infections

In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, new HIV infections have increased by 20 percent since 2010, and AIDS-related deaths have increased by 34 percent. This is demonstrated by data from a report published on Monday by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS. According to the report, a total of 1.3 million new HIV infections were reported in 2023. The authors note that, despite the challenges, the increase in the number of patients with access to health services has been a major public health achievement, with AIDS-related deaths halved since 2010, from 1.3 million to 630,000 in 2023.

FAO warns of increased risk of forest fires 

Forests around the world are increasingly threatened by climate change forest fires and pests. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) warns about this. The report, released Monday, highlights the role of innovation in forest conservation. The intensity and frequency of forest fires are increasing, including in areas not previously affected by this problem, experts say. Moreover, in 2023, more than six thousand megatons of carbon dioxide were released as a result of forest fires around the world.


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