UN humanitarian convoy comes under fire in Gaza

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UN convoy with humanitarian aid. Photo from the archive. UN humanitarian convoy comes under fire in Gaza Peace and Security

A UN humanitarian convoy came under “heavy fire” from Israeli forces at a checkpoint en route to Gaza City. The United Nations Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) announced this on Monday.

“Israeli troops opened intense fire on a UN convoy heading to Gaza City. There were no casualties, but our staff had to duck and seek cover,” UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarin said in a post on social media X, calling for those responsible to be brought to justice.

One of the vehicles was hit by “at least five bullets” at an Israeli checkpoint that separates the north and south of the enclave, Lazzarini said.

“The vehicle was heavily damaged and left the convoy. The rest eventually managed to reach Gaza City,” Lazzarini said, adding that the humanitarian mission was coordinated with and approved by Israeli authorities.

New evacuation orders&nbsp ;

Israeli aircraft and heavy artillery continue to strike targets in villages east of Khan Yunis in Gaza. Israel’s military commanders have issued new evacuation orders for people sheltering in areas west of Khan Yunis, which had previously been designated a “safe” humanitarian zone. About 400 thousand people found temporary shelter in this area.

Since October last year, about nine out of ten Gazans have been forced to flee their homes at least once, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). 

The World Health Organization (WHO), in turn, reported that from October 7 last year to July 7 this year, about a million cases of acute respiratory infections were recorded in the sector. “There were also almost 575 thousand cases of acute diarrhea and more than 100 thousand cases of jaundice,” says the updated report from the World Health Organization.

Increasing number of child deaths 

On Monday, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported that the number of child killings in the West Bank has more than tripled since October 7, 2023, compared with the first nine months of that year. same year. On average, one Palestinian child dies every two days.

During the same period, since October 7, two Israeli children have been killed in conflict-related violence in the West Bank, 

“Children living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, have been subjected to horrific violence for many years,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “The situation has worsened significantly since the escalation of fighting in the Gaza Strip. We are receiving reports of Palestinian children being detained on their way home from school or shot at while walking in the streets. “This type of violence must stop immediately.”

Living in fear 

“The growing tensions in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are impacting the physical and mental well-being of thousands of children and their families, who live in daily fear for their lives,” said Catherine Russell. “Children report that they are afraid to walk around their neighbourhoods and go to school.”

Children must not be targets of violence, no matter who they are or where they are

UNICEF reiterated its call on the parties to immediately stop and prevent further grave violations of children’s rights. The foundation said that parties to the conflict must adhere to their obligations under international law in the area of ​​child protection: “Children’s right to life must be protected; children must not be subjected to violence – no matter who they are or where they are.”


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