UN chief disappointed by Knesset decision to abandon two-state idea 

Глава ООН разочарован решением Кнессета отказаться от идеи двух государств 

Meeting of the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem. UN chief disappointed by Knesset decision to abandon two-state idea  Peace and Security

The UN Secretary-General is disappointed by the Israeli Knesset’s decision to pass a resolution rejecting the idea of ​​creating a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River.

As UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Thursday, Antonio Guterres believes that “there is a stake driven into the heart of any prospect of a two-state solution.”

The day before, the Israeli Knesset voted overwhelmingly to adopt a resolution rejecting the creation of a Palestinian state. The document was accepted by parties in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, as well as by right-wing opposition parties.

“It is clear that the two-state solution cannot be reversed by a vote,” the press said – UN Secretary at the meeting in New York. – The Secretary-General believes that an end to the occupation and negotiations for the creation of two states – Israel and an independent, democratic, sovereign Palestinian state within recognized borders based on the 1967 borders, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states – is the only realistic path to lasting peace for the peoples of Israel and Palestine.” 

According to Dujarric, the UN is convinced that the resolution adopted by the Knesset clearly does not comply with UN resolutions, international law and previously reached agreements .


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