WHO: how to protect yourself from heatstroke and infections during the Paris Olympics

ВОЗ: как защититься от теплового удара и инфекций во время Олимпиады в Париже

View of the Seine, Paris. WHO: how to protect yourself from heatstroke and infections during the Paris Olympics Health

Going to Paris for the Olympic or Paralympic Games? The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, together with the French Ministry of Health, French Public Health and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, has developed recommendations for spectators of the 2024 Games.

The document contains recommendations on topics such as vaccination, protection from sunstroke and dehydration, alcohol and tobacco consumption, infectious diseases, sexual health, as well as links to useful websites and phone numbers.

It is estimated that from July 26 to August 11, the Olympic Games will attract about 15 million visitors, including 2 million from abroad. A record 3.4 million spectators are expected at the Paralympic Games between August 28 and September 8.

“As millions flock to Paris for the world’s most famous sporting event, it is important to take simple but effective measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and protect against heat and other health risks,” WHO Regional Office Representative Gundo Weiler.

According to the prepared recommendations, high temperatures in summer in France can pose a serious health risk. To protect yourself from the sun and heat, experts advise drinking plenty of water, but avoiding alcohol and limiting caffeine and sugar. You should also stay in the shade whenever possible and always wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher, even if you don’t plan to be in the sun.

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For health and safety, drink as little alcohol as possible, or even none at all, experts advise. Food should be thoroughly prepared, and fruits and vegetables should be washed well. To prevent illness, it is recommended to avoid food that has been stored at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Wash your hands often, especially before eating and after using the toilet. Using soap and water is best, but carrying hand sanitizer can also be a good option when traveling.

Additionally, experts recommend checking your vaccination status and getting advice see your doctor as soon as possible before your trip. Depending on factors such as age, location, underlying health conditions, and current vaccinations, doctors may prescribe vaccinations against measles, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, COVID-19, or other diseases. It is also important to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections, experts remind.


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