The UN chief called on private business to actively contribute to achieving the SDGs

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UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres speaks via video link. The UN chief called on private business to actively contribute to achieving the SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

Addressing via video link to the Global Business Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on private companies to fully align their business models with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees on the Celsius scale.

The business forum takes place in New York as part of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. 

“You are gathered in this room “To achieve the critical goal of galvanizing the private sector’s efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda,” the UN chief said. “We must accelerate action from stakeholders on all fronts.” .

According to António Guterres, this is necessary in order to end poverty and hunger; reduce carbon emissions; increase resilience to climate change; expand opportunities for women and youth; reduce inequality and close the digital divide.

“The private sector has a critical role to play in delivering the transformation we need,” the Secretary-General emphasized. “Business can invest at scale to achieve the SDGs in developing countries, in innovation to transform food systems and lead the transition to renewable energy.”

António Guterres calls on the private sector to come up with bold ideas and make ambitious commitments to help fully realize the Sustainable Development Goals.


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