The UN Security Council, chaired by the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, discusses issues of multilateral cooperation

В Совбезе ООН под председательством главы МИД России обсуждают вопросы многостороннего сотрудничества

UN Security Council. Photo from the archive The UN Security Council, chaired by the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, discusses issues of multilateral cooperation Peace and Security

The Security Council is holding a meeting on Tuesday chaired by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. It is dedicated to issues of multilateral cooperation “in the interests of creating a more just, democratic and sustainable world order.” Many speakers accused Russia of violating the UN Charter and called on it to withdraw troops from the territory of Ukraine. 

Russia is presiding over the UN Security Council in July, and today’s meeting, which is being held at the ministerial level, was initiated by the Russian delegation. During the meeting, dozens of speakers are scheduled to speak, including representatives of 15 Security Council member countries and invited participants. The meeting is broadcast on UN television with translation into Russian.

Opening the meeting as its chairman, Sergei Lavrov took the floor as a representative of Russia. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry devoted most of his speech to criticism of the “collective West,” which, according to the Russian side, undermines the foundations of a multilateral approach to solving international problems. 

“Today the very foundations of the international legal order are being tested for strength – strategic stability and the UN-centric system of world politics,” Lavrov noted. –  It is impossible to resolve the growing conflicts without understanding their root causes and restoring faith in our ability to join forces for the common good and justice for all.”

“Let’s be frank,” he continued. speaker, not all states represented in this hall recognize the key principle of the UN Charter: the sovereign equality of all states. The United States has long declared its own exceptionalism. This also applies to Washington’s attitude towards its allies, from whom they demand unquestioning obedience, even to the detriment of their national interests.”

If everyone, without exception, follows the “spirit and letter” of the UN Charter, the United Nations will be able to overcome current differences and come to a common denominator on most issues, Sergei Lavrov is convinced. 

Great Britain: “What is democratic about trying to annex the territory of another country?” 

British Permanent Representative to the UN Barbara Woodward said that all members of the Council must fulfill their obligations. “It is therefore imperative that the Russian government stops arms transfers from the DPRK in violation of UN Security Council resolutions and stops its attempts to undermine UN efforts in Africa, including the targeted actions of Russian proxies against MINUSCA [UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic] “- the ambassador noted, calling on the entire international community to defend the UN Charter.

“Mr. Chairman,” Woodward said, addressing Lavrov, “while you sit in your chair and telling us how you think the world order can become more just, democratic and sustainable, your military is systematically bombing the civilian population of Ukraine in an unprovoked war of aggression, in flagrant violation of the UN Charter. What is it about trying to annex the territory of another country? What is democratic about trying to subjugate the people of another country? What is sustainable about waging a war in which more than 500,000 of your countrymen have died or been wounded?»

Material being updated… 


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