The UN is helping Ukraine cope with the consequences of the recent series of massive strikes

ООН помогает Украине справиться с последствиями недавней серии массированных ударов

A series of rocket attacks killed at least 34 Ukrainian civilians on Monday. The UN is helping Ukraine cope with the consequences of the recent series of massive strikes Peace and Security

A series of rocket attacks hit Ukrainian cities on Monday, killing at least 34 civilians, including five children. The UN press secretary stated this at a briefing in New York with reference to the Ukrainian authorities.

The UN and the organization’s partners continue to support the efforts of the Ukrainian authorities to provide assistance to the victims. More than 120 people, including 10 children, were injured. About 130 buildings were damaged as a result of the strikes. Rescue services are still clearing the rubble at the site. 

Humanitarian organizations are providing emergency medical and psychological assistance, distributing drinking water, hygiene kits and other essential items. They also helped move children and cancer patients, including children with amputations and war-related injuries, to other medical institutions in Kyiv.  

Humanitarian workers have also registered people for cash assistance, including families whose relatives have been killed or injured, as well as those whose homes have been damaged and can no longer be used as shelter.

World Health Organization staff and other partners continue to work with medical institutions in Ukraine, providing support and medical equipment.


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