UN: Escalation on the Blue Line can and must be avoided

ООН: эскалации на «голубой линии» можно и нужно избежать

A child near a destroyed house in southern Lebanon. UN: escalation on the Blue Line can and should be avoided Peace and Security

The UN is deeply concerned about the intensification of gunfire across the Blue Line between Israel and Lebanon on Thursday, raising the risk of igniting a full-scale war. This was reported by the press service of the UN Secretary General.

“Escalation can and should be avoided,” says the official statement.

The world organization recalled the danger of a miscalculation leading to a sudden escalation of the conflict. According to the statement, a political and diplomatic solution is the only viable path forward.

The UN also reported that on July 4, members of the Lebanese Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee visited the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to express support for UNIFIL and Resolution 1701. Also on Thursday, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met with Lebanese officials, including Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Acting Prime Minister Najib Mikati. She stressed the need to de-escalate the situation on the Blue Line.

“We join the calls of the Special Coordinator and UNIFIL for the parties to immediately return to a cessation of hostilities and reaffirm their commitment to the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006),” the UN said.

Resolution 1701

Recall that Resolution 1701 was adopted on August 11, 2006. It put an end to the war that had unfolded on Lebanese territory between Israel and the Hezbollah group. The resolution stresses “the need to urgently address the causes that led to the crisis,” including by ensuring government authority throughout Lebanon.

UN Interim Force in Lebanon

The UN Security Council established the Interim Force in Lebanon by resolutions in March 1978. The mission’s mandate was expanded by resolution 1701 following the 2006 war. The UN interim force is monitoring the cessation of hostilities in the Blue Line area and is working to reduce tensions.

Read also:

UN Secretary General: “Lebanon must not become another Gaza”


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