In a “big election” year, only 26 countries are headed by women

В год «больших выборов» женщины возглавляют лишь 26 стран

More people will go to the polls in 2024 than at any time in history. In a “big election” year, only 26 countries are headed by women Women

In 2024, more people will go to the polls than ever before in history. However, as UN Women recalls in its new report, 113 countries have never had a woman head of state or government, and only 26 countries are now headed by women.

The report “Women Political Leaders in 2024” was published in connection with the International Day of Women in Diplomacy, which is celebrated on 24  June. The authors of the document state that the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions in the modern world remains a harsh reality.

Despite some progress, the report says, women are still largely excluded from administration and diplomacy. In 113 countries around the world, they have never served as head of state or government, and only 26 countries are currently led by women. As of early 2024, only 23 percent of ministerial positions worldwide were held by women, and in 141 countries they made up less than a third of cabinet ministers. In seven countries, women are not represented at all in cabinets.

Male dominance in diplomacy extends to permanent missions to the UN. As of May this year, women held 25 percent of permanent representative positions in New York, 35 percent in Geneva and 33.5 percent in Vienna.

“In my Our work is guided by the belief that when women are at the helm, the world is a better place,” said UN Women Executive Director Sima Bacchus. “This year, as citizens of more countries go to the polls, we must put women at the very pinnacle of power. Equal participation of women in management and leadership is the key to improving life for all.”  

Electing and appointing women to leadership positions, noted Sima Bacchus , demonstrates a strong political will to achieve gender equality and demonstrates a collective commitment to addressing the challenges facing the modern world. As the world prepares to mark 30 years since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – the world’s most progressive document advancing women’s rights – UN Women continues to work to ensure that women play a leading role in shaping and driving positive change. including occupying the highest positions in power.


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