UN poll: 80 percent of the world’s people want more action on climate change

Опрос ООН: 80 процентов жителей планеты выступают за более активные действия в борьбе с изменением климата

More than half of people worldwide say they are more concerned about climate change than they were last year. UN poll: 80 percent of the world’s people want more action on climate change Climate and Environment

The largest climate change poll in history found that 80 percent of people around the world want their governments to take stronger action to combat the climate crisis. Even more, 86 percent, want countries to put aside geopolitical differences and work together on climate change.

The survey was commissioned by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in collaboration with the University of Oxford and the GeoPol company. It was attended by 73 thousand people from 77 countries, speaking 87 languages.

“An amazing level of consensus”

The survey showed that in the twenty largest countries in the world, which are responsible for the lion’s share of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, the majority of residents are in favor of strengthening climate measures: 66 percent each in the USA and Russia, 67 percent in Germany, 73 percent in China, 77 percent in South Africa and India, 85 in Brazil, 88 in Iran and 93 in Italy.

In Australia, Canada, France, Germany and the USA, women are much more concerned about the problem climate change than men – by 10-17 points in percentage terms. “We have overcome our differences and are now actively fighting the climate crisis,” said UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner. “The results of this unprecedented survey show a remarkable level of consensus. We urge policymakers and public leaders to take note, especially as countries develop the next round of climate action commitments under the Paris Agreement.”

Fossil Fuel Divestment

In addition to widespread sentiment for stronger climate action, the poll found that a majority of the world’s people – 72 percent – favor a rapid transition away from fossil fuels. This also applies to countries that are among the ten largest producers of oil, coal or gas: from 89 percent in Nigeria to 54 percent in the United States. Only seven percent of people worldwide said their country should not switch to new energy technologies at all.

“Climate Alert”

People around the world say climate change is on their mind: 56 percent of the world’s population said they think about it regularly, compared with 63 percent in least developed countries.

More than half of people worldwide say they are more concerned about climate change than they were last year. This figure is higher among residents of least developed countries, at 59 percent. On average, across the nine small island developing States surveyed, 71 percent of respondents reported that climate change worries them more than they did last year.

Climate change has a significant impact on people’s acceptance important decisions, for example, where to live or work – this was stated by 69 percent of respondents.

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