Top Stories of the Day | Wednesday: Climate Change, Gaza, Famine, SDGs

Главные новости дня | среда: изменение климата, Газа, голод, ЦУР

UNRWA continues to provide humanitarian assistance in Gaza. Top news of the day | Wednesday: climate change, Gaza, hunger, SDGs UN

Top news of the day at the UN and around the world: UN chief on environment and climate change, restrictions on humanitarian aid supplies in Gaza, growing food shortages in hunger hotspots, new Leadership Group on Stimulating Goals sustainable development.

World Environment Day

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered a statement on the occasion of World Environment Day at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The UN chief cited data released on Wednesday by the Copernicus Climate Change Service showing that May 2024 was the twelfth consecutive hottest month on record. Guterres called for urgent action to cut emissions, protect people and nature from climate extremes, expand climate finance and put pressure on the fossil fuel industry. Global emissions must fall by nine percent each year until 2030 to keep warming to 1.5 degrees, he said. However, emissions increased by one percent last year.

The situation in Gaza

The UN Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) says the ongoing Israeli military operation in Rafah is directly hampering the ability of humanitarian organizations to deliver needed aid to Gaza, as well as the ability to rotate humanitarian personnel. UNRWA maintained a presence in Rafah, with regular trips to Kerem Shalom to deliver fuel and other supplies. The agency said that during the five-day period from May 28 to June 1, only 232 aid trucks entered Gaza through Kerem Shalom, representing a significant decrease compared to the period before the military operation in Rafah.

Growing Hunger

At least 18 countries and regions around the world already suffering from food shortages could face even greater famine unless aid is urgently delivered. Many of the hunger hotspots are in Africa, particularly Sudan, and fears of famine also persist in Gaza, according to a new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP). The crisis in South Sudan is so severe that the number of people vulnerable to wasting and starvation is projected to almost double between April and July 2024, compared with the same period in 2023.

Sustainable Development

Today, the UN Secretary-General launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Improving Leadership Group, which will advocate at the highest level for developing countries to have the financial resources they need to invest in achieving the Goals. The Group includes the UN Secretary-General and the Heads of State and Government of Barbados, Brazil, Canada (co-chair), France, India, Italy, Jamaica (co-chair), Kenya, South Africa and Spain. At its first meeting on 5 June, the Group discussed recommendations and actions needed to address the dire financial situation that is preventing developing countries from accelerating progress towards achieving the SDGs.


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