Ukraine: UN coordinator calls attack on shopping center in Kharkov “completely unacceptable”

Украина: координатор ООН назвала удар по торговому центру в Харькове «совершенно неприемлемым»

UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine Denise Brown Ukraine: UN coordinator calls attack on shopping center in Kharkov “completely unacceptable” Peace and Security

Ukraine Humanitarian Coordinator Denise Brown strongly condemned the attack on a shopping center in Kharkiv on Saturday.

“I am shocked and shocked by the horrific news coming out of Kharkov,” Brown said in a statement. “Today, in broad daylight, while people, despite the nightmares they face daily in this city, were trying to go about their business, their lives were disrupted by another attack by the Russian Armed Forces.”

According to the UN in Ukraine, the attack hit a busy shopping center, killing dozens of civilians and causing serious damage to civilian objects.

“This is completely unacceptable “,” Brown emphasized.

Intentionally targeting civilian infrastructure is strictly prohibited under international humanitarian law, she recalled.

According to the UN representative, attacks by the Russian Armed Forces on civilians and civilian infrastructure must stop.

“Civilians must be protected,” Denise Brown reiterated.

Read also:

Head of UNICEF in Ukraine – about evacuations in the Kharkov region: “People are unlikely to be able to return to their homes in the near future”


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