The UN chief welcomed the agreement on delimitation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Глава ООН приветствовал договоренность о делимитации границы между Армений и Азербайджаном

UN headquarters building in New York. The UN chief welcomed the agreement on delimitation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan Peace and Security

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the agreement on border delimitation reached on April 19 by Armenia and Azerbaijan. As emphasized in the statement made on behalf of the head of the UN by his press secretary, the Secretary General is closely monitoring the normalization process between these countries.

According to media reports, Armenia and Azerbaijan have preliminary agreed on the delimitation of a separate section of the border, including the territorial affiliation of four villages – they will go to Azerbaijan.

In addition, the parties must, by July 1, complete agreement on the draft regulations on the joint activities of state delimitation commissions. It is also noted that the delimitation process will be based on the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991.

The UN chief also “calls on the parties to continue delimitation and demarcation of the remaining sections of the border and resolve all outstanding bilateral questions to achieve complete normalization of relations.”

Read also:

UN Secretary-General welcomed the joint statement of Armenia and Azerbaijan


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