“Decade of the Ocean”: a conference opened in Barcelona under the auspices of UNESCO

«Десятилетие океана»: в Барселоне под эгидой ЮНЕСКО открылась конференция

40 percent of the world’s oceans are considered “severely affected” by human activities, including pollution, overfishing and loss of coastal habitats. “Decade of the Ocean”: a conference opened in Barcelona under the auspices of UNESCO Climate and Environment

The Ocean Decade Conference is being held in Barcelona with the support of the Spanish government. The event is attended by representatives of the global community and UNESCO partners. Delegates will discuss progress made and set priorities for the future.

The ocean occupies more than 70 percent of the planet’s territory. And the well-being of half the world’s population depends to one degree or another on ocean resources. Yet 40 percent of the world’s oceans are considered “severely affected” by human activities, including pollution, overfishing and loss of coastal habitats.

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Without the oceans we would not be able to breathe – they produce about 50 percent of the oxygen on the planet and also absorb carbon dioxide , which contributes to global warming.

The world’s oceans are home to many species of our flora and fauna and one of the main sources of food and medicine. For example, fishing provides income to tens of millions of people. At the same time, today about 90 percent of large fish populations have been depleted, and 50 percent of coral reefs have been destroyed.

The Decade of Ocean Science (2021–2030) aims to usher in a “revolution” in the way humans relate to the ocean. The conference will cover the entire range of tasks set within the framework of the Decade. Topics at the event include climate change, food security, biodiversity, ocean economics, pollution and natural disasters.

The Barcelona meeting will also provide a platform to support science-based innovation , including local initiatives in the field of sustainable ocean development.

Led by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO), the Ocean Decade has already inspired thousands of partners around the world to collaborate on scientific data and research.

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