Restoring Ukraine’s scientific infrastructure will cost $1.26 billion

Восстановление научной инфраструктуры Украины обойдется в 1,26 млрд долларов

Before the Russian invasion, Ukraine was known internationally for its contributions to computer science, nuclear physics and astronomy. Restoring Ukraine’s scientific infrastructure will cost $1.26 billion Peace and security

Restoring the state scientific infrastructure of Ukraine will cost more than 1.26 billion dollars. This is stated in the report published by UNESCO based on the results of the study.

Since the start of the war in February 2022, according to the report’s authors, 1,443 institutions and laboratories, as well as 750 pieces of scientific equipment, have been damaged or destroyed. In addition, Ukraine’s scientific community has faced significant cuts in research funding.

“The situation is becoming increasingly critical, so we must protect and support scientific research in Ukraine,” said the Director General UNESCO Audrey Azoulay. “Scientists, engineers and other professionals will play an important role in the country’s recovery, not to mention the sector is a valuable source of innovation for the rest of the world.”

Before the Russian invasion, Ukraine was known internationally for its contributions to computer science, nuclear physics and astronomy. From 2015 to 2019, the total volume of scientific publications in Ukraine increased by 45 percent. Only in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics in Ukraine, 6214 publications were published in the period from 2012 to 2019.

Loses of scientific infrastructure

According to the study, a total of 1,443 buildings belonging to 177 scientific institutions were damaged or destroyed over the past two years. The restoration of these facilities will cost more than 1.21 billion dollars.

The scientific infrastructure of the Kharkov region was most severely damaged, primarily the Yaroslav the Wise National Law University and the National City University farm named after O. M. Beketov.

In addition to the buildings themselves, more than 750 pieces of scientific and technical equipment were damaged, with 643 pieces beyond repair. This is equipment used in a wide range of research activities. The total cost of restoring this equipment is estimated at 45.9 million dollars.

Blow to personnel

The war scattered Ukrainian scientists throughout the country and abroad, and their working conditions have deteriorated. In February 2022, there were 88,629 researchers working in the public science sector. Since then, 12 percent of all specialists and professors from 524 institutes and universities in Ukraine have been forced to move to other countries. The largest number of Ukrainian scientists in exile are in Germany and Poland. The number of scientists employed in the public research sector of Ukraine decreased by 4,958 people (5.3 percent).

Lack of funds

Funding of science in Ukraine has also decreased significantly. Spending on research and development fell by 38.5 percent between 2021 and 2022, according to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics.

Since 2021, the budget of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which unites 450 scientific institutes, has decreased by 48 percent. Average monthly wages in science have fallen by 39 percent, and many researchers are forced to work part-time.

On March 11, UNESCO convened a meeting at its headquarters in Paris at which scientists from Ukraine and other countries discuss the research results and consider next steps to support Ukraine.


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